Kreideprinz 🜃
Basil/ Albedo/ Kazuha
they/he + neos. ageless. occulist and artist. ☁ zZz . . .
likes . . . rain, flowers, cats, reptiles, reading/writing, drawing, tea, Kaeya, moths. |

hyperfixations / interests . . . fantasy, demonology, alchemy, horror, herbology. |
BYF . . . pretty busy, might reply late, bodily minor, might be psychotic or a sys. don't use fem terms on me. I ramble a lot. DNI if you('re) . . . proship, lgbtqphobic, racist, bigoted in any way, enjoy YBC or any problematic media (hyperfixation exlud), don't use tone tags, -13, associate with anyone who matches the above.